Technology refers to the Collection of tools which make it easier to utilize, create, manage and exchange information.In the earlier times, using resources by human beings was for the process of discovery and development. Tools stayed the same for quite a long time in the earlier part of the history of humankind but it was also the intricate human behaviours and tools of the era that modern language started as thought by many archaeologists.Technology refers the knowledge and use of tools, Techniques and systems so as to serve a larger purpose like solving problems or making life simpler and better. Its importance on humans is enormous because technology helps them adapt to the surroundings. The evolution of high technology such as computer technology’s Internet and the phone has helped conquer communication barriers and bridge the gap between people all around the world. While there are benefits to continuous growth of technology, their development has also seen the growth of its destructive power as evident from the creation of weapons of all sorts.
In a wider sense, technology affects societies in the Development of advanced markets, making life more convenient to more people that have access to such technologies. However, while it continues to provide improved means to person’s day to day living, in addition, it has unwanted results like pollution, depletion of natural resources to the great disadvantage of Earth. Its influence on society may also be seen in how people use technology and its ethical importance in the society. Debates on the benefits and drawbacks of technologies constantly arise questioning the effect of technology on the improvement or worsening of human condition. Some movements have risen to criticize its detrimental impacts on the environment and its own ways of alienating people. Nonetheless, there are many others that see technology as valuable to progress and the human condition. Actually, technology has evolved to function not only human beings but also other members of the animal species also.
Technology is often seen as a Result of science and engineering. Over time, new technologies and methods have been developed through research and development. The progress of both technology and science have led to incremental development and disruptive technologies. A good example of incremental development is the gradual replacement of compact disks with DVD. While disruptive developments are cars replacing horse carriages. The development of technologies marks the substantial development of different technologies in various fields, like nano technologies, biotechnology, robotics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence and information technology.The Development of technology is due to present day inventions in the diverse fields of technology. A number of these technologies combine electricity to Achieve the same targets. This is called converging technologies.